Living one day at the time is a great way to deal with immediate stress, to keep better control over your daily emotions...
Scarlett O’Hara (“Gone with the wind “) used to say - “I’ll worry about that tomorrow “...and never gave it a second thought... It made her indifferent to other people’s feelings...
Unfortunately pushing negative experiences and emotions away is like applying a Band-Aid to a deep wound that needs stitches. It will heal one day... It’s going to leave an ugly scar...
We have to sew our wounds stitch by stitch... by ourselves or with help of others...
We have to answer all the difficult questions- why, what and how... We have to try to be as objective as we can, even if it hurts. And we avoid pain...
Objectivity comes with understanding “why”.
Then... “What” and “how” help with compartmentalization, forgiveness and let go...
All painful experiences will transform into a positive day...
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