
Showing posts with the label War


Hey Musk!  Take me to Mars! We can build a communism there… Remember the key principle? “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”- Karl Marx… Okay, if we can’t build the communism right away, we can finally make a socialism happen…) As Vladimir Lenin said: "the proletariat can and must build the socialist society in one country”(planet))) The  Key principle of the socialism is: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his work” - Leon Trotsky… We can bring putin with us for guidance…) VGM

Bush’s Legs…

I will never forget how communist propaganda twisted all American affords to help after Soviet Union collapsed.  One little fact: “Bush’s Legs” (the chicken legs supplied to USSR during Bush administration), were introduced as the chicken, poisoned with chemicals. America is experimenting on people of USSR… Food supplies were not only unappreciated but used by propaganda for manipulation of its people. If RF can continue the war, the population can take care of its own needs.  Supplying and feeding RF will never help its people to appreciate the situation and take responsibility for the war they support. The land they have, provides enough resources to take care of themselves! My family, living under Russian occupation, works hard to grow and tend the gardens. They know how to survive till the freedom returns! VGM  


When you sold your soul to evil, the Evil came to you and people you are responsible for…  Isn’t it a prove of something or Someone looking over us all? Building your political and economic platform by using the pain of other countries, is punished… And your people, unfortunately!!!… are the ones to pay… VGM

Privet Military Companies…

What is the purpose of the “mass production” of Private Military Companies in RF? What are they for? It’s a preparation for the civil war in Russia…  Yes, Putin should stay in power as long as possible. His “wise strategic decisions” will weaken the country without any help from outside the country…  What is really going to happen?  Foreign Intelligence will make a deal with one of the Private Military Companies in Russia, a Private Army, that will secure and protect RF’s nuclear arsenal until the country is denuclearized…  Of course, no one wants a Russian people to starve. They will feed the people.  But no one cares how many countries come out of RF…  The more, the merrier…  VGM  

Experience freedom…

I am happy to be free…  to think what ever I want…  to do what ever I want…  to say what I feel like saying…  to travel when I want anywhere in the world…  to understand what freedom is, you must live in freedom…  VGM

The time…

  He wanted to tell her he loved her, but was afraid of the rejection… He was waiting for a perfect moment… He had been thinking about his feelings even more now, since they were miles apart…  He decided to write her a letter. It came out long, confusing and even embarrassing. He was hesitant to send it…  The letter was safe in his chest pocket, clinging to the dead body laying under the rubble of the collapsed building…  VGM  


I am a stubborn, self-driven and independent human. I build my own path.  I invent my own vision…  I work very hard for everything I have in this life.   I don’t need or want to conquer the world because I believe in my ancestor’s wisdom. All I need is love and prosperity of my home. I will stand by and protect, what is mine…  VGM


Wait…   We have to wait…  The majority of the bucket heads still believe in indestructible Russia…  Wait…  We must wait, till their sons are hunted down and drafted, to soil Ukrainian lands…  The USSR is finally decomposing... VGM  

Rubber bottom…

  I always thought, Putin is gay… even though, he is the one to condemn the people of different sexual orientation!   A hypocrite!!!… - with his macho game of the, “accidentally taken”, naked torso picks…  - legendary “ability” to attract much younger women and father children… - so painful sensitivity to his looks and aging…  - rubber butt…??? as he, himself, said…))) VGM

The Bridge…

My Dear Crimea!  I wish for the rest of the world to fall in love with your beauty as much as I did… Humanity should explore your highest cliffs and hidden caves, the depths of the Back Sea and a clarity of the underground waters, the exotic beaches and the beautiful,  endless grape fields…  The Crimean Bridge doesn’t need to be completely destroyed…This project was too expensive to let go…  However, it needs a small modification…  The Ukrainian Customs check Point should be right on the bridge…  VGM  

A vision...

This is how I see the future of Crimea… 1. It should become an independent republic under the Ukrainian flag. Remaining under Russia is a financial, economic  and political suicide. Russia is going to suffer the consequences of the Ukrainian invasion for years to come.  2. I see a democratic parliament where EVERY NATIONALITY of Crimea is represented. Inclusivity can’t be underestimated! Over the last eight years the Russian population was artificially inflated in Crimea.  3. Crimea, including Sevastopol, should become a MILITARY FREE zone. It will bring peace to the whole Black Sea region. Its military defense should be supported by the Ukrainian military located on the mainland, using the newest technologies.  4. Crimea is a gorgeous peninsula that has been mistreated for hundreds of years. Its beauty - is a natural resource that must be finally introduced to the world! The main focus should be on agriculture  and INTERNATIONAL TOURISM. I see a great potential...

The globe…

Congratulations!  You are building the globe  of Russia!  What are you going to do with it?  You can call it RF, CIS or USSR…) Enjoy it! Or,  You can kick the ball of your jealousy of Ukraine right through the world’s gate… and maybe… just maybe… find your way to the freedom… this time…  VGM


  Here is the problem with my people - we talk… give us a subject and we will talk nonstop…   Arestovich/Kashpirovsky, do you have another job, besides YouTube?  Zelensky, please... Turn to the people, who already left the country. Those, who adapt to the new circumstances fast are your great assets. Don’t let them reach the point of no return!  It’s time to stop being just the world’s beggar,… … and transform my country into the nation with new economic rules and internal military defense system! …not after the war!  Start today!  VGM  


I am a conservative democrat.  I believe in political balance in my country.  While I voted for Biden, I am very disappointed in the  procrastination of his administration to support Ukraine.  It puts us in line with other war criminals like Putin.  The political games of world leaders makes us responsible for thousands of Ukrainian lives…  VGM  

Fair Justice…

Let’s deport Putin’s family and “friends” back to Russia.  Let them to enjoy the country they built; the “freedom” they created for the Russian people.  It is unfair to spend taxpayer money globally on investigating, prosecuting and sanctioning Putin’s Gang. The cage they built for others should become their own cage! VGM  

The Replacement…

Putler can’t be neutralized until better replacement is found… The current government is so corrupt and involved in the war crimes… It must go down with him! … Russia will make another “god” …    Unfortunately, it’s their nature… because they don’t know any better… Where can a replacement be found?!… The candidate may be one of the leaders who left the country awhile back, someone who appreciates the value of freedom of speech, freedom of making independent decisions, someone who is free of propaganda, who cares about his people, a great manager elected for 4-8 years (only), capable of concentrating on internal affairs, true democrat, who actually knows what democracy is! …  VGM


I don’t wish for this guy (I can’t call him a “man”) to die… I want him to be charged and tried for war crimes in the international court and his political impotence on display for the world to see.  I want him to be publicly humiliated, the same way he humiliated Ukrainian women and children, his own people and other nationalities over the last 22 years…   I want to witness his own propaganda that he used for so long, turned against him… VGM 


History never repeats itself…  or… does it? Now is the time when Russian last names will be changing from  Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov…  to  Ivanoff, Petroff, Sidoroff…  It reminds me of Jews, Germans, Poles, Turks, Tatars and many other nationalities who were born and lived in the USSR. Many of those people changed their last names to sound Russian to save their lives in the 20th century…  History never repeats itself… or does it? …   VGM   PS: Every remodeling starts with demolition… 

The action…

I am looking at the situation in the world from a different perspective.  I see a global rejection and condemnation of one leader, one nation.  And yet, he and his supporters are holding the world in their hands.  The longer the war in Ukraine continues, countries will lose  interest to it. Those countries will focus on their own internal affairs and will go back to doing business with Russia.  His tremendous ego must be satisfied. In the moment of absolute power,  he doesn’t care how many people have to die. We are giving one man more power over the world by reacting slowly. The economic sanctions are crucial in this situation. We have to take drastic actions. We have to work together and fast. On the other hand, the mole is hiding in the hole. Any hole can be a home and a trap with no escape at the same time… VGM P.S. “All wars are a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal.”     ~John Steinbeck

A blind man…

I remember my great grandfather... I was absolutely fascinated by him...  I don’t remember how old he was at that time. He had lost his hearing and vision completely… Even though he was always able to recognize my great grandmother… he spent lifetime with her… I kept asking myself what does his world  feels  like? …   It seemed  to be incomprehensible, scary and devastating… The same event is happening now, not with one human being, but with a nation… nation of deaf and blind…where the mole is a king… VGM