
Showing posts with the label Wild card

Wild card... 5

There is one part of every vacation I dislike, when it’s over… So, I plan another one…   And I always love coming home…   Questioning at Customs:   What county did you visit? Why did you go by yourself? Why was your trip so short?  I couldn’t come up with better answer:  “I only took as much liberty as I can afford” … VGM

Wild card…4

The beach came a live at night…  Hundreds of baby turtles littered the shore. I’ve never seen these many turtle eggs hatching at the same time…  Locals were collecting baby turtles in the buckets… I am not sure why…  Relief of the beach changed overnight…Deep craters appeared here and there, with the sand-boils at the bottom of them and hundreds of seagulls feasting on the remains of the eggshells and little creatures that never made it to the ocean…  To be continued…  VGM  

Wild card…3

Someone made a comment about my new adventure - be vigilant, don’t trust anyone… keep your body parts to yourself. That sounded very comforting…) The room wasn’t ready, at the time I arrived.  I was offered to enjoy the beach, the pool and a cute diner, while waiting… the authentic food made with love! I was looking at the building of the hotel, wondering which room is mine... I was blown away by the view off my windows…  To be continued…  VGM

Wild card… 2

Don’t let your restrictions become your child’s addictions… … Growing up behind an iron curtain, where traveling the world wasn’t even a dream and studying foreign language felt unnecessary… I became an addict… to the freedom of travel, to the experience of the life of others…  I excepted an individual insignificance and, yet, unconditional connection to the entire universe…   To be continued… VGM

Wild card… 1

Vacation is coming up next week… no plans… Work, work, work… home… work… home… I need to get out of the house…  Search Engine: “the cheapest airfare anywhere in the world” Crazy…) aren’t we all? … to a certain degree…  Yay!!! The best deal on the earth…  I am going… all by myself…  Solitude and gratitude…  To be continued…  VGM