Me-and-U. 2. The choice…

 Remember, I was saying I don’t like my pictures? … 

It turns out, guys do. And everyone of them believes he is the right peace of puzzle…

Now, how do I narrow it down? …

I like them so intelligent that it feels sexy… 

Speaking of sexy - those are hard to find - someone who is so playful without being vulgar… 

Wow, here is one… 

- You are my type (he says). 

Interesting icebreaker… 

- And what is your type? 


- What horoscope sign is you?

Men never ask this question… Very strange… 

- You are the most passionate sign of the horoscope. I want it all! (He says) 

Here it is - undeniable combination of power and possession, and at the same time total freedom and acceptance of who I am…


To be continued…


The path

A letter.

A vision...

The rights…


A blind man…