For Joan of Arc

- I can say this with all the confidence I was born to be a Muse... I have the powers and I know how to use them ... I am not gorgeous or perfect but I draw attention by my open, loving, caring and sincere smile, my sweet and sophisticated appearance... I love, appreciate, understand, listen and nurture... I don’t judge but encourage... I give different perspectives... I care about your soul like only mother could... I help you to see how great and incredible you are... I lift your spirits up when you need it... 

I help you fly and fly away... 

I help you fly away, hoping you will carry believe in yourself for the rest of your life... 

And I let you go... 

I let you go to capture your heart forever... 

...Those were the last words she spoke climbing the scaffold to be silenced forever... 

She was only 19... to never live up to her 20th birthday... 



The path

A letter.

A vision...

The rights…


A blind man…