
The sun…

This immortal and magnificent fireball  is slowly changing its colors from vibrantly indescribable orange to unbearably bright white over the Atlantic every morning…  And walking on clouds reflected on sand is the heavenly road to happiness… VGM

Fair Justice…

Let’s deport Putin’s family and “friends” back to Russia.  Let them to enjoy the country they built; the “freedom” they created for the Russian people.  It is unfair to spend taxpayer money globally on investigating, prosecuting and sanctioning Putin’s Gang. The cage they built for others should become their own cage! VGM  

The Language… 3. Central Crimea...

Every summer in the 1970s and 1980s I took a bus trip to my grandma’s house located in the Belogorsk province of Crimea.  The little towns throughout the central Crimea looked almost identical; lined up duplexes with a piece of land attached to it where the family shared only one wall of the building and property line with another family of  migrants.  Many of those people spoke different languages.  These temporary accommodations were provided only to those who worked on collective farms.  The temporary houses became permanent homes for many of them…  Half of a building with two rooms, a small kitchen, covered porch and no bathroom or running water became a forever home, and still is, for thousands of Crimean’s.  My aunt was milking cows by hand all her life …  I will never forget the taste of the crust of the white bread carefully cut for me and a small glass jar of warm milk right from under the cow … Of course, I had to work for it a little…) ...

The Language... 2. Language of inter-ethnic communication...

How many of my people can remember the school class: “Russian - a language of inter-ethnic communication” and the endless statistics of what percent of the world’s population considered Russian as a first/second language…  Russian was always compared to English.  I felt like we were getting closer to winning something…)))  In the meantime, the rest of the world didn’t care…  I met many people who came from various socialist countries. I’ve heard sarcastic and even rude comments about learning Russian at school.  They preferred speaking English with me…  I understand why… To be continued…  VGM  

The Language… 1. Russian...

I was born and raised in Sevastopol, a military base, the only city in Crimea and Ukraine that didn’t teach the Ukrainian language at school.  The residents of Sevastopol and  military families spoke every language of every republic of the USSR.  Many militaries  dreamed of retiring in Sevastopol. I remember us laughing at others who couldn’t speak Russian well… My friend’s family, for example, always spoke Ukrainian language at home and only at home…  After all, the Russian language was mandatory not only in the Soviet Union but in all other socialist countries…  Why? …  Why did we believe in this annoying exclusivity of the Russian language…?  Russian nationality? …  To be continued…  VGM  

The Replacement…

Putler can’t be neutralized until better replacement is found… The current government is so corrupt and involved in the war crimes… It must go down with him! … Russia will make another “god” …    Unfortunately, it’s their nature… because they don’t know any better… Where can a replacement be found?!… The candidate may be one of the leaders who left the country awhile back, someone who appreciates the value of freedom of speech, freedom of making independent decisions, someone who is free of propaganda, who cares about his people, a great manager elected for 4-8 years (only), capable of concentrating on internal affairs, true democrat, who actually knows what democracy is! …  VGM


I don’t wish for this guy (I can’t call him a “man”) to die… I want him to be charged and tried for war crimes in the international court and his political impotence on display for the world to see.  I want him to be publicly humiliated, the same way he humiliated Ukrainian women and children, his own people and other nationalities over the last 22 years…   I want to witness his own propaganda that he used for so long, turned against him… VGM 


History never repeats itself…  or… does it? Now is the time when Russian last names will be changing from  Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov…  to  Ivanoff, Petroff, Sidoroff…  It reminds me of Jews, Germans, Poles, Turks, Tatars and many other nationalities who were born and lived in the USSR. Many of those people changed their last names to sound Russian to save their lives in the 20th century…  History never repeats itself… or does it? …   VGM   PS: Every remodeling starts with demolition… 

The action…

I am looking at the situation in the world from a different perspective.  I see a global rejection and condemnation of one leader, one nation.  And yet, he and his supporters are holding the world in their hands.  The longer the war in Ukraine continues, countries will lose  interest to it. Those countries will focus on their own internal affairs and will go back to doing business with Russia.  His tremendous ego must be satisfied. In the moment of absolute power,  he doesn’t care how many people have to die. We are giving one man more power over the world by reacting slowly. The economic sanctions are crucial in this situation. We have to take drastic actions. We have to work together and fast. On the other hand, the mole is hiding in the hole. Any hole can be a home and a trap with no escape at the same time… VGM P.S. “All wars are a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal.”     ~John Steinbeck

A blind man…

I remember my great grandfather... I was absolutely fascinated by him...  I don’t remember how old he was at that time. He had lost his hearing and vision completely… Even though he was always able to recognize my great grandmother… he spent lifetime with her… I kept asking myself what does his world  feels  like? …   It seemed  to be incomprehensible, scary and devastating… The same event is happening now, not with one human being, but with a nation… nation of deaf and blind…where the mole is a king… VGM

A letter.

  I would like to address my people today.   When I am saying, my people, I mean my Ukrainian and Russian friends and family. My dear Russian friends and family! I understand and respect your silence. My heart is breaking to see how lost we all are.  How can I explain to my child that her DNA is based on hatred?... I can't imagine her Ukrainian and Russian chromosomes being in the state of war with each other... Please, take care of one another! Please, be safe! I love you all with all my heart! My dear Ukrainian friends and family! I am so proud of your strength and courage! I understand and respect how much you love your country and your freedom! My heart is bleeding with you! I am praying every day for your safety! I love you more than you can ever imagine! You are my heroes! I guess our nationality is solely our decision these days...   I can be pronounced a nationalist by stating:  "I am a  Ukrainian"  as much as "I am a Russian" I am not loo...

The wait…

I don’t want to wait in the dark...  I don’t believe in darkness... There is always light in the darkest places we go...  I don’t want to wait...  I want to live my life to the fullest... And I am not scared to love, to laugh or get hurt... This is what the life is all about...  There is always a balance between the things we get and things, that will be taken away forever...  We have to be able to give our love without regrets... sincerely... fully...  Only the brave ones will experience true happiness...  VGM

The nation…

I witnessed an extremely moving act of solidarity of American people at the doorstep of Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC today. American men and women were scanning QR codes posted on the door. One code is for donations and the second is to enlist in the fight for Ukraine…  I met a couple from Ohio, who traveled to DC ready to go and fight for the lives of Ukrainian people. We are, as a nation, free to make a choice,  free to have an opinion,  free to speak our mind!  I am proud to be an American! VGM PS:  It’s hard to see on the picture, there are Ukrainian and American flags on every post on both sides of the street, all the way to US Capitol.


Millions of Americans are donating to support people of Ukraine.  Fellow Ukrainians, please, keep your rentals on Airbnb web as long as you can! Americans are booking their vacations at your homes. This is another way they are trying to reach your families directly!  God be with you! VGM 

The rights…

Once upon a time, a little boy was born…  He loved the world, the sky, the woman who smiled at him and smelled like milk…  He loved the unshaven, tired man, that held him in his arms…  He inhaled the peaceful life of a simple human…  The boy didn’t know… he had to die… because  someone decided his life was expendable… VGM


He was so good with words… She could physically feel them touching her skin, teasing and tickling, warming and even burning…  She could never say “No”.  It was impossible… She kept thinking, how many times did he say this to other women, to bring his words to this level of perfection? … She didn’t care… It wasn’t love… VGM

Сонет #17

Мне больше не страшно опять подскользнуться.  Паденьем отмечен каждый полёт. Мне больше не больно в любви обмануться.  Уроки любви нам ясны наперёд.  Но разница в том, что усвоив уроки,  Легко избежать нам теперь суеты.  Невинных обид уж просрочены сроки.  И вновь мы надежды строим мосты.  Мы верим обману легко и небрежно.  Практичность, порою, нас сводит с ума.  Когда наши страхи укрыты надеждой,  Что чашу любви мы выпьем сполна… Мы с лёгкостью пишем любви нашей строки,  Чтоб вновь испытать вольной страсти ожоги.  VGM


She said: “She’s my ugly duckling, looks just like her father. It’s okay, not everyone is beautiful…” My heart sinks. I disagree. I see so much of a unique beauty in her baby, the diverse combination of Jewish, Eastern European and Muslim blood.  I said: “Give it some time. She’s going to become a beautiful woman. You will see.” Our visual and social standards limit our imagination… VGM


There are people always looking for an exchange… robbing themselves of their own happiness… - I was always a great friend to you… - If you love me I will love you more… - I did so much for you…  - My happiness depends on you… Always measuring, calculating, evaluating is a waste of time and energy… If you feel mistreated - walk away…   And…  When you’re giving - give it all…  VGM

The performance…

I am on the stage, alone, in front of hundreds of audiences… Heart is pounding in my throat…  I can almost physically feel blood pumping through my veins… … Fear and excitement… I was rehearsing all morning. It’s a new song and the words aren’t coming out automatically. ... The music is rushing me. I don’t have time to think about words… I have to think of… my voice… facial expression… my moves…  I don’t have time to think…  And… sudden emptiness in my head… panic... I forgot…  I don’t know…  I only have a few second to remember… I open my mouth…  And… start the song from the beginning like it was meant to be… It is emotionally exhausting… I am completely drained by the end of the performance… and never completely satisfied with myself…  I am my  toughest  judge  and  worst  critic …  VGM