
There are no relationships that don’t need work.... Even most perfect ones need work... And then the perfect relationships bore us too quickly... 

I guess we need some level of challenge... 

We are so different... We have so many things among us that drive others crazy... And the biggest mistake is trying to change one another... 

We don’t change... People don’t change... 

We like smart, sophisticated and independent people... people who take great care of themselves... Then, why are we trying to change them to fit our life goals?... Accomplished people always have their own goals and dreams, passions and desires... 

How would you two make your goals merge together?... 

People of high social and mental status don’t live someone else’s dreams... They don’t domesticate... 

Concentrate on love... nothing else matters...

VGM, 06/11/20


The path

A letter.

A vision...

The rights…


A blind man…