
Showing posts from 2024

To Mr President Joe Biden.

  My Dear Mr President,  I cried reading your letter.  I am so proud and thankful for your service and commitments. I respect everything you are doing for us, ordinary citizens!  Everything you do shows how much you care!!!  Thank you Mr President 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 VGM

We are…

I wish I was a wave expressing my feelings whenever I pleased…   I wish I was a cloud to cry whenever I feel like it…  I wish I was a sun always burning inside and yet the shiniest star in the sky…  I am a human taking the wave, the cloud and the sun all in… VGM


  I don’t remember who said this.   “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.  Try it, just for one day… Did you spend your day in silence?…)  Now, apply the same principle to your thoughts…)))  VGM


Look at you! So beautiful in your every imperfection… Imperfection, only you can see… imperfection that makes you whimsical and easy to be with… Kindness, affection and empathy never lose its beauty… never age…  VGM

Just me…

I don’t like makeup sex…   My gentle soul needs a distance…   My mental soul needs processing… My independent soul has no need in patching someone’s ego…  VGM 

Next Election…

I believe in American people.   The next election will show - no more MAGA and no more left Antisemites. The politicians that put their personal agenda before their people, will no longer be in power… VGM