
Showing posts from February, 2023

Energy matters…

She hates everything about you… She wrapped her life around your happiness… It became an obsession to destroy your work…   Meanwhile, your success based on your positive believes, that everyone will find their own way to happiness… like you did… VGM

Bush’s Legs…

I will never forget how communist propaganda twisted all American affords to help after Soviet Union collapsed.  One little fact: “Bush’s Legs” (the chicken legs supplied to USSR during Bush administration), were introduced as the chicken, poisoned with chemicals. America is experimenting on people of USSR… Food supplies were not only unappreciated but used by propaganda for manipulation of its people. If RF can continue the war, the population can take care of its own needs.  Supplying and feeding RF will never help its people to appreciate the situation and take responsibility for the war they support. The land they have, provides enough resources to take care of themselves! My family, living under Russian occupation, works hard to grow and tend the gardens. They know how to survive till the freedom returns! VGM  

Him only…

He believed he is stronger than his feelings…  He thought he could never have her anyway…  Did it make his life safer, fuller or happier?  And maybe, she was waiting for him only, all her life…  VGM


When you sold your soul to evil, the Evil came to you and people you are responsible for…  Isn’t it a prove of something or Someone looking over us all? Building your political and economic platform by using the pain of other countries, is punished… And your people, unfortunately!!!… are the ones to pay… VGM

Annoying advise…

Fight your arrogance every day. Every life event happening around you is not about you.  The SUBJECTIVE assessment of the situation may be more damaging than an event itself…  Distance your ego to see objectively… Your life is about you… Lives of others are about them…  VGM