
Showing posts from April, 2022


I don’t wish for this guy (I can’t call him a “man”) to die… I want him to be charged and tried for war crimes in the international court and his political impotence on display for the world to see.  I want him to be publicly humiliated, the same way he humiliated Ukrainian women and children, his own people and other nationalities over the last 22 years…   I want to witness his own propaganda that he used for so long, turned against him… VGM 


History never repeats itself…  or… does it? Now is the time when Russian last names will be changing from  Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov…  to  Ivanoff, Petroff, Sidoroff…  It reminds me of Jews, Germans, Poles, Turks, Tatars and many other nationalities who were born and lived in the USSR. Many of those people changed their last names to sound Russian to save their lives in the 20th century…  History never repeats itself… or does it? …   VGM   PS: Every remodeling starts with demolition…